Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things – Game of Thrones Models

With the unexpected release of a bleak new teaser for season six of Game of Thrones came the nagging question: which character that we love are the producers and George RR Martin going to mercilessly kill this time? Watching the Game of Thrones TV series is about as close to emotional abuse as you can get, and the novels are even worse. While it is unlikely that the big, unexpected death that occurred last year is what it seems like it will be, it doesn’t change the fact that everyone watching had involuntary flashbacks to the Red Wedding.

In an effort to take my mind off of the future of the series, one that will see TV viewers ahead of the books for the first time, I decided to check out what kinds of amazing 3D printable Game of Thrones-themed models the internet was making. Thankfully, the 3D design and printing community is as giving and caring as the Game of Thrones producers are cruel and heartless.

As always, there were way too many great models for a list of ten, but I made some hard choices and managed to settle on the best of the best. So here they are, the Ten 3D Printable Things – Game of Thrones Models.

(Warning: While I will be as vague as possible, there still may be some mild spoilers in this article, so tread carefully.)


George R.R. Martin’s Cyvasse by dutchmogul

Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free

In the fictional world of Westeros written about in George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels there is a game that is often played by the characters. It is treated as a game that requires considerable strategy, yet is simple enough that players of any skill level can participate. It’s called Cyvasse, and it seems like it was intended to be a variant of chess.

Because Martin never created rules for the game, simply providing vague descriptions of piece movements and physical descriptions of the game, the creator of the 3D printable version of the game decided to create his own rules. The game includes all of the game pieces written about in the novels, including four game boards, dividers and the large castle piece. This 3D printed game is a must have for any fans of the books or TV series, and the parts have a great design that allows for them to be given a simple paint job, or turned into something really special.


Dragon Egg from Game of Thrones by Sander Diels

Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free

In both the TV series and the books, the world has lost the great dragons and no one seems to know why. There are fan theories aplenty, but at the end of the day it’s probably one of those mysteries that will never be explicitly resolved or explained. However what is known if that thanks to a horrific sacrifice, a little bit of treachery and a healthy dose of magic, the world has dragons again, albeit three relatively small ones owned by the exiled queen of Westeros, Daenerys Targaryen.

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The dragons were originally presented to Daenerys as petrified eggs, and that’s what the designer of this cool box gave us. The dragon egg-shaped storage box is perfect as a gift box, or just a nice place to stash small bits and bobs that you don’t want laying around. The egg seems relatively simple to 3D print and according to the designer only requires a small bit of supports.


Winterfell by damm301

Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free

Winterfell is, of course, the seat of power for the long-ruling family from the North, the Starks. While the novels have seen the Stark family scattered to the winds, the North remembers and there will always be a Stark at Winterfell.

This cool, small-scale 3D model of Winterfell is based off of the opening credits from the HBO series that show the various locales emerging from the ground and building up right before our eyes. The model was designed based on screen caps directly from the series, and includes all of the surrounding buildings. Due to scale however, the doors and windows were left off of the model because they simply wouldn’t have printed correctly.


Drogon from Game of Thrones by Michael Perez

Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free

One of the three dragons born to Daenerys is the largest, and meanest, Drogon. He was named after Daenerys’ fallen husband, Khal Drogo, and like his namesake he has a complicated, and pretty violent relationship with her.

This cool figuring of Drogon is completely support free and small enough to be printed on just about any sized 3D printer. The figure is the perfect shape to be painted, and with the proper post processing it can look pretty amazing.


Game of Thrones Hand of the King Pendant by Elliott Viles

Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free

Obviously the ruler of a kingdom as large as Westeros is going to require advisors, which are called the Small Council. Sitting at the head of the Small Council is the king (or queen’s) most trusted advisor, the Hand of the King. The holder of this office wears a small gold pin or pendant of a hand gripping a blade.

This fantastic 3D printable version of the pendant is extremely accurate to the TV series, and can easily be painted to match. Because of the small size the model designer suggests that it is printed with a high infill and resolution in order to get the best results.


Game of Thrones – Iron Throne by Daniel Schunemann

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Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free

I couldn’t put this list together without including a 3D printable version of the imposing Iron Throne. The throne was made by melting together a thousand of the swords that were surrendered to Aegon the Conqueror, who unified six of the seven kingdoms of Westeros. The seat is said to be extremely uncomfortable, and sitting upon it would often leave scratches and scrapes. But rather than a flaw, the danger in sitting on the Iron Throne was a feature as it should never be easy to rule a kingdom.

This small version of the throne was designed from the throne as seen on the HBO show. George RR Martin has said that it wasn’t how he always envisioned the Iron Throne,;his version would have been much larger and the seat would tower over any subjects who are brought before it.


Oathkeeper by Julian Lizan Sanchez

Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free

At one point Oathkeeper was one half of the massive House Stark Greatsword called Ice. However, once it fell into the possession of Lord Tywin it was turned into two separate swords. Widow’s Wail was presented to the then-sitting King Joffrey, who used it cruelly, if inefficiently. The second half was presented to Tywin’s son Jamie Lannister, who gifted it to Brienne of Tarth as both a thank you and a promise., and named Oathkeeper

This fantastic 3D printed version of Oathkeeper is almost three and a half feet long, and despite the great amount of detail is a relatively simple to make 3D printable sword. The long blade itself is divided up into several small sections that can be 3D printed on a standard printer and will have to be glued together. Personally, if I was printing this sword I fill in the gaps in the blade with putty and sand them smooth before I painted it to make it look more realistic.


Joffrey’s Crown by ercin gunduz

Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free

The king that everyone loved to hate, Joffrey Baratheon himself, had a golden crown that looked like delicate stag horns intertwined. This was in honor of his father, Robert Baratheon, and the Baratheon family crest, which was of a large, imposing stag.

This fantastic 3D printed version of the crown is 3D printed in four parts and then needs to be glued together. Once finished, it can either be airbrushed or hand painted. The crown is a little over nine inches, so it may need to be scaled down a bit depending on if you’re 3D printing this for a costume, or simply for use as a display prop in your home.


2 Tyene’s Daggers by Julian Lizan Sanchez

Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free

The third of eight daughters of Dorne’s Prince Oberyn Martell dual-wields a pair of these poison-coated daggers. Like her father, Tyene Sand is an expert as using poison-laced blades, and just a scratch from them can end in her opponent’s death.

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The 3D printable version of Tyene’s daggers are divided up into smaller parts and will need to be glued together and painted. The blade consists of three individual parts while the handle itself is two parts. As with Oathbreaker, the judicious use of putty and sanding can remove the gaps that result from the parts being glued together.


The Pencil Throne by NEMO_from_saturn

Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free

Now I know that this isn’t exactly a Game of Thrones model, but it is clearly inspired by one. The Pencil Throne is styled similarly to the Iron Throne from the TV series — however instead of swords forming the back, there are holes of pencils. The seat also looks more like a standard recliner than a chair made of swords, but it’s still a really fun way to store pens and pencils on your desk.

The Pencil Throne is pretty small at about 3.3 inches, but it still takes about ten hours to 3D print. Each of the individual pencil holes is about 1 cm wide, and there’s room for up to nine pencils or pens. The model will 3D print as a single model, and is a really simple 3D printing project.

Okay, that was my list of the ten coolest 3D printable Game of Thrones models, but make sure that you take a look around because there are tons more almost as awesome as these out there. As always I love seeing your prints of the projects that I list, so you can tweet me any pictures @SJGrunewald or feel free to email me directly.

And in case you haven’t seen the super depressing Game of Thrones season six teaser, here you go:

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